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Driver's License Points

There are two basic types of traffic tickets in Florida: moving violations and nonmoving violations.

Moving violations occur when a driver does not follow traffic laws while the vehicle is in motion. Examples include speeding, running a red light or texting while driving.

Non-moving violations are infractions that occur when the vehicle is not moving. Examples include illegal parking, expired plates or equipment-related violations such as a broken taillight.

Point System

Florida, like many other states, uses a point system to track traffic violations. Points are assigned when you receive tickets for moving violations. Your driver's license can be revoked or suspended if you accrue too many points over a certain period.

Length of Point Suspensions

The length of your license suspension depends on the number of points you accumulated during time periods specified by Florida law.

Total Points Within Time Period of Length of Suspension
12 12 months 30 days
18 18 months 3 months
24 36 months 1 year

Termination of Driving Privilege

If you commit 15 violations that give you points or three major offenses within a five-year period, your license will be revoked. Your license can also be revoked for other reasons. See the Official Florida Driver License Handbook for additional details.

Points for Common Traffic Violations

Point penalties will vary depending on the severity of the traffic violation. Some examples of the penalties for specific violations are listed below.

Violation Point Penalty
Speeding 3 points
Careless driving 3 points
Failure to stop at steady red signal 3 points
Too fast for conditions 3 points
Reckless driving 4 points
Failure to obey traffic control signal 4 points

For a complete list of Florida traffic violations and the associated point penalties, see Florida's Uniform Traffic Citation Manual.

Point Restriction for Minors

Drivers under 18 who receive six or more points within a year will have their license automatically restricted for one year. During this time, they can drive for business purposes only. Accumulating additional points will extend the restriction an additional 90 days for each point received.

How to Check the Points on Your Record

If you want to see how many points you currently have, you can order a DMV-authorized copy of your driving record from Florida Driving Record.

Responding to a Traffic Ticket in Florida

When you receive a traffic ticket in Florida, you must respond within 30 days. Your three options include:

  • Pay the ticket, admit guilt and accept the associated points
  • Go to court and fight the ticket
  • Pay the ticket and avoid points by pledging to take a driver improvement course

Note: Some Florida counties allow you to pay your ticket online, by mail or over the phone. Check with your local clerk of court for additional details. Browse Florida county court locations to find the contact information for your nearest clerk of court.

Basic Driver Improvement Course

Completing a basic driver improvement course allows you to keep points off your record, reduce your fine and avoid an increase to your insurance rate.

If you elect to take a driver improvement course, you must pay an election fee to the clerk of court. You can sign up for an online driver improvement course at Florida Online Traffic School.